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Why we created Take Today

Two years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. It was the most important thing that ever happened to me. It gave me the chance to wake up to my own life and create a new relationship to how I approach it. As I wrestled with the challenges of chemo and cancer, my purpose in this life slowly became crystal clear: I would take my lessons from cancer and apply them to my dreams of entrepreneurship.

As the side effects of treatment became stronger, so did my drive to create something out of this experience. I started to discover the power of natural ingredients as more and more pills were pushed my way. First, it was ginger and turmeric, then mint and chamomile. As the list grew I started incorporating a massive green smoothie I consumed each morning, double on chemo days to support what my body and my brain were going through.

Cancer took me off my feet and held me back from doing a lot of what I love. What it did give me was the courage and gratitude to bring to life a business with a purpose I believe in and a product that's supported my health first hand.

Take Today was born out of remission and is now my mission. Our promise is to do good, deliver the intended benefits of real ingredients and help you build habits today for a better tomorrow. We know supplements don't build habits, you do and we're here to help.

That's it for now. You're a part of the family, reach out whenever. I want to hear from you.

  • Supportive moment: Fabian's friends shaving his head during chemotherapy. A testament to friendship, resilience, and the journey from adversity to triumph.
  • Intimate moment: Fabian with his cat, the night before chemotherapy. A reflection of strength and companionship in the face of challenges.
  • Fabian and friend post head-shave solidarity. A powerful symbol of support, friendship, and resilience.
  • Fabian balancing chemotherapy and work. A testament to resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
  • Cancer-free Fabian in the Great Sand Dunes. A symbol of resilience, strength, and embracing life's victories.

Why Take Today

Why Take Today

Take Today is a wellness brand offering supplements that build resiliency for better tomorrows. Our nutrient blends are designed to support and power the daily habits of individuals on their good health journey.

We believe in consistent good over occasional greatness. We aren’t here to sell you the perfect smoothie. We’re here to support a healthy routine that compounds into big results over time.

There is no magic pill or powder that will improve your health more than you can with purpose and consistency. Supplements don’t make habits—you do.

We created the Habit Blend to help you build a healthy routine. We even put it in the name.

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