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Our Ingredients

Ingredients that deliver.

Build resilience with our carefully sourced and selected cast of ingredients. This unique blend packs in immune-building benefits that support a healthy stomach, heart, and joints while reducing inflammation and cultivating calm.

Blended in California
Based in Colorado
Fresh and vibrant turmeric root, a natural superfood with anti-inflammatory properties – ideal for health-conscious recipes. Explore the goodness of turmeric with Take Today

Turmeric Root (Organic)

Packed with potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, this ancient spice not only adds a vibrant hue but also enhances overall wellbeing.

Turmeric Root (Organic)

Why we use it

There's a reason that turmeric is the highest-volume ingredient in our blend. Packed with potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, this ancient spice not only adds a vibrant hue but also enhances overall wellbeing.


  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Digestion Support
  • Antioxidant

Energizing ginger root, a zesty addition to your wellness journey. Unleash the power of ginger with Take Today's natural blends. Spice up your health routine!

Ginger Root (Organic)

The powerful punch of ginger. Bursting with anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits, this zesty root adds a kick of flavor while promoting overall well-being.

Ginger Root (Organic)

Why we use it

The powerful punch of ginger. Bursting with anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits, this zesty root adds a kick of flavor while promoting overall well-being.


  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Digestion

Balancing ashwagandha root, a herbal ally for holistic well-being. Embrace tranquility and vitality with Ashwagandha in Take Today's mindful blends. Elevate your daily rituals.

Ashwagandha (Organic)

Crafted to enhance stress resilience and mental clarity, this ancient herb seamlessly integrates into your routine, offering a calm yet energizing touch.

Ashwagandha (Organic)

Why we use it

Crafted to enhance stress resilience and promote mental clarity, this ancient herb seamlessly integrates into your routine, offering a calm yet energizing touch.


  • Stress Relief
  • Quality of Sleep
  • Memory + Focus

Vibrant beetroot, a powerhouse of nutrients for a colorful and healthy lifestyle. Experience the goodness of beetroot in Take Today's enriching blends. Nourish your body, love your health.

Beet Root (Organic)

Packed with natural nitrates, this crimson gem promotes healthy blood flow, boosting endurance and vitality for your day.

Beet Root (Organic)

Why we use it

Packed with natural nitrates, this crimson gem promotes healthy blood flow, boosting endurance and vitality for your day.


  • Blood Flow
  • Digestive Health
  • Antioxidant

Revitalize with Asian ginseng, an herbal elixir for sustained energy. Unlock the potential of ginseng in Take Today's invigorating blends. Energize your day, the natural way.

Asian Ginseng Root (Organic)

Known to enhance mental clarity, boost energy levels, and fortify the body's stress response.

Asian Ginseng Root (Organic)

Why we use it

A potent adaptogen celebrated for its holistic health benefits. Known to enhance mental clarity, boost energy levels, and fortify the body's stress response.


  • Cognitive Function
  • Energy
  • Stress Relief

Nutrient-packed broccoli sprouts, a green boost for vitality. Discover the wholesome goodness in Take Today's blends, promoting health and well-being. Elevate your nutrition effortlessly.

Broccoli Sprout (Organic)

Bursting with antioxidants, vitamins, and detoxifying enzymes, these sprouts amplify your morning routine.

Broccoli Sprout (Organic)

Why we use it

Our favorite nutritional powerhouse. Bursting with antioxidants, vitamins, and detoxifying enzymes, these sprouts amplify your morning routine.


  • Antioxidants
  • Immune boosting
  • Reduces inflammation

Adaptogenic power of Rhodiola Rosea, nature's stress-buster. Experience tranquility and resilience with Take Today's blends. Embrace calmness for a balanced and vibrant life.

Rhodiola Rosea Root (Organic)

Strengthens response to physical and psychological stressors, boosts mental clarity, and invigorates your state of mind.

Rhodiola Rosea Root (Organic)

Why we use it

This herb helps to strengthen our response to physical and psychological stressors, boost mental clarity and invigorate your state of mind.


  • Stress relief
  • Energy
  • Cognitive function

Enhance cognitive vitality with Ginkgo Biloba, a botanical ally for mental clarity. Unleash the power of Ginkgo in Take Today's blends, supporting your mind's well-being naturally.

Ginkgo Biloba

Awaken your senses and nourish your mind with the ancient wisdom of Ginkgo biloba. Designed to enhance cognitive function and support mental clarity.

Ginkgo Biloba

Why we use it

Awaken your senses and nourish your mind with the ancient wisdom of Ginkgo biloba. Designed to enhance cognitive function and support mental clarity.


  • Cognitive function
  • Memory
  • Blood flow

Spice up your health with Black Pepper, a flavorful addition to wellness. Discover the warm kick in Take Today's blends, enhancing the absorption of key nutrients. Elevate your taste, elevate your health.

Black Pepper Fruit (Organic)

When infused with other herbs and spices, black pepper can maximize the absorption of nutrients.

Black Pepper Fruit (Organic)

Why we use it

Black pepper helps us absorb the nutrients in our food. When infused with other herbs and spices it can maximize the absorption of nutrients giving us the full potential of those ingredients.


  • Circumin Activation
  • Ingredient Absorption
  • Ingredient Synergy

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